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Transforming The Experience of Dentistry Since 2000



New Year, Old You?

“New year = New YOU!” We hear that ALL the time! Sounds nice! But, is that really true?

In reality, it is “New year = OLD YOU”, unless you do something different! 🔥

Here are some New Year Resolution FACTS:

43% of all people expect to fail before February, and almost one out of four quit within the first week of setting New Year’s resolution. Most people quit before the end of January, and only 9% see their resolutions through to succession.

Who are the people who are in the top 10% of the population? They are “High Performers!”

Are you lacking clarity about your purpose?

Are you clear but don’t have the structure in place to accomplish all that you consider to be important?

Are you doing a LOT and feeling overwhelmed and depleted?

High Performance Coaching with Dr. Elona may be the solution you need.

Certified High Performance life coaching is the most time-tested and research based life coaching available.

Why with me? I love it and I love you!  My passion is to come along side others and help them elevate themselves to their highest potential. In addition, I have credibility.  I believe that I demonstrated the ability to live a healthy, effective, and fulfilling “high performance” life.  I am an advanced aesthetic and reconstructive dentist who founded, owns and runs her own practice, creator of the Integrative Solution for TMJ disorder, mother of 3 daughters, committed wife with an amazing marriage of 27 yrs to Dr. Curtis - US NAVY Captain and our facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon, founder of the non profit Inspire Changes dedicated to smile rehabilitation of trafficking survivors.  I am a community leader and health and wellbeing advocate as well as a certified life coach with many years of personal development training.  In fact, I coach other coaches!  I came to the United States alone at the age of 15, and graduated from dental school near the top of my class by age 23!

2023 IS YOUR YEAR! Studies show that having clarity about our purpose, structure in place to take necessary action, and accountability to stay in integrity with our word IS what’s required to turn our dreams into reality.

This IS your life! Right here and now. And it is going to turn our just like it already has unless you take action to start living a self created life! Your life MATTERS and so DO YOU!

Schedule a FREE 60 min Strategy Session with me and let’s see what’s possible for you and your life!

To schedule, text me directly at (858) 925-3142

Upon registration into Certified High Performance Coaching - 10% of the training fee is donated into Inspire Changes (our non-profit which restored the smiles of women rescued from human trafficking). You receive a tax deductible receipt and as a gift you also get FREE Zoom in-office whitening!

Do It yourself and invite others in your life!!! One does not have to be a patient of Inspire Smiles to become a coaching client. Invite everyone - change your life, brighten your smile and make a DIFFERENCE for others!

I KNOW you can accomplish great  things this year!

Without you taking BOLD action - nothing will change.

With love and gratitude,

Dr. Elona ❤️

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