Our Newsletter

Transforming The Experience of Dentistry Since 2000

The “Silent Killer” is being hunted down!!!

The “Silent Killer” is being hunted down!!!

Happy Sunday!

The “Silent Killer” is being hunted down!!! Almost ALL hygiene reservations are booked through November !!! Our hygienist, Aubrey is quite popular!!!

If you don’t know what I am talking about -search your inbox

for last week’s email from me on the connection between oral and systemic health. If you are missing the email, you can always find them in our News Letter library on our website at 💌📫💌.

“We treat our patients like family!” - just about every dental website says this 🙋🏻.

I SHOULD KNOW🤦🏼‍♀️ - we researched thousands of dental websites prior to creating ours.

Although being “treated like family” sounds nice, in reality it may NOT be the BEST way to treat a VIP client. You tell me.

Please understand, I AM ALL ABOUT family being the core of a healthy and strong society. One of my greatest personal commitments is to preserve the purpose of the family unit, to model a marriage that operates according to it’s design and to provide a safe and supportive environment for children to thrive and launch into adult independence.  I LOVE each member of my family and I assume that most, if not all, of you do as well!


As much as we LOVE sweet family movies with everyone happy at all times enjoying fun adventures together, the reality is that it is an ideal that does not exist in this unrealistic idealized sense we often imagine. Thanksgiving and Christmas Holidays are the most stressful times of the year for many people. Mental health crises and family dramas and conflicts tend to escalate at those times. If being around family were so great at all times, then why would that be the case?

Here are just a few dynamics that commonly exist in some form in families:

  1. Past traumas and pain being brought up
  2. Tolerating unacceptable behavior to preserve the peace
  3. Lack of appreciation & entitlement
  4. Rude and disrespectful treatment
  5. Being stuck in old patterns, arguments, jealousies or grudges

I’m sure we could all add to this list.

Many times when we are around family, especially for extended periods of time, as much as we may love them, we feel a sense of constraint, perhaps even resentment. Quite often we experience being deprived of personal power, freedom to be who we authentically are, and full self expression.

We may be excited to have family come and visit us AND, if we are honest, we may be excited about them leaving too! 👏😊👏

Of course, we could never share that as it’d be “inappropriate” and “disrespectful” - so we pretend, act inauthentically and appease our deep need of having ourselves "look good" for others by posting “happy” pictures on FaceBook.

Do you still want your dentist to treat you like “FAMILY”?🙋🏻❤️🙋🏻

How about being treated as a VIP ELITE client instead?

Our stand and commitment is to Transform the Experience of Dentistry. We start by dropping this idealistic, unrealistic and completely irrelevant idea of treating our patients and clients like “family".

Here are a few dynamics when YOU are treated as a VIP client (compare to “family” list above):

  1. Focus on what’s MOST important to YOU
  2. Placing your needs, wants and desires above our own
  3. Accommodating even the most unreasonable of requests
  4. Always being in “YES AND” mode - making it work for YOU
  5. Anticipating needs and exceeding expectations

You won’t find the cliche statement of “treating patients like family” on our website. Just like all else we do - we strive for excellence, we don’t have an AI generated generic website, we personally built every element, every word, and took every photo. Just like this email, all content on it were created by us, it’s authentic, unique and ELITE.

When you come in, expect a step above the “Golden Rule” (ie, ”treat others as you would want to be treated”).  In this context, does it matter how I want to be treated? Let's try another exquisite metal: we call it the “Platinum Rule” experience! It states: “Treat others the way THEY want to treated.”

Let’s do VIP client vs family member. 🫶🏻

Come and experience it for yourself if you have not been in for a while; and invite others by making a reservation for a patient experience.

If this discussion of family brought up some issues for you and you’d like to know about how to break through the constraints family dynamics may bring, schedule a 30 min call with Dr. Elona’s Certified High Performance Coaching service line - Inspire Lives

With love and gratitude,

Dr. Elona 🧡

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