Our Newsletter

Transforming The Experience of Dentistry Since 2000

Building Bridges

Building Bridges

We are being "professional bridge builders"

Happy Thursday! We hope all are having an amazing week, getting important things done and planning fun things for the weekend! 😊

Thank you all of you who have supported us by sending us encouraging and uplifting messages on IG before our presentation last Saturday at the Annual National AAFPRS ( American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery) meeting. 🙏🏻✨🙏🏻

I was the FIRST dentist to ever speak at a meeting of this society. It was an incredible honor and an privilege! Dr. Curtis and I were also the FIRST ever married couple to speak at this meeting.  We are grateful for the opportunity to build a long overdue bridge between advanced restorative aesthetic dentists and ENT/facial plastic surgeons. The overwhelming response from the participants was that 95% + of the information was new to them!!! 🤨.  

The idea for this presentation arose from the fact that, in general, medical doctors DO NOT know much about dentistry and how oral and systemic health are connected.  They mostly assume peoples’ dentists will deal with dental/oral issues, so they don’t get educated nor educate themselves in this area of the body. From the aesthetic standpoint facial plastic surgeons also do not have a full appreciation for the role teeth play in facial aesthetics, nor how to fully consider dental anatomy when performing lip procedures.  

Many oral health issues such as teeth break down, wear, clenching, grinding, TMJ pain, jaw discomfort and non healing gum disease are often related to airway obstruction and impeded nasal breathing, which many people, and even physicians, find surprising.

Many studies show that an attractive smile is what is felt to be MOST important to someone’s perception of their attractiveness, as well as whether or not they are perceived as attractive by others. A healthy and attractive smile is also highly correlated to one’s sense of self esteem and self confidence.  Therefore based on literature and experience, we believe that to achieve optimal facial aesthetics, the smile needs to be considered first.   It is as if the teeth were a piece of artwork and the lips were a frame around that artwork. It all starts with teeth!

What we see as possible is a strong professional relationship between the two specialties: advanced reconstructive and aesthetic dentistry and ENT/facial plastic surgery. Having that relationship will assure the most successful and predicable clinical outcomes, more comprehensive care for our patients and an ability to provide long term sustainable health, functional and aesthetic solutions.

Who wants to continue dealing with partial fixes, ongoing health issues, a reduced sense of self esteem and self confidence, reduced opportunities for professional growth, a diminished ability to generate a higher level of income and decreased capacity for forming connected and authentic relationships?

As with so many things in life, the answer is to WORK TOGETHER! That is what we are UP to! It takes courage to do something new that shifts the world. We invite you to be "up to" world-changing possibilities for what you believe in as well!

We are deeply grateful for each one of you and we are excited to bring more value and greater level of service to all of you who call Inspire Smiles your dental home. We look forward serving you, your loved ones, your friends, coworkers and people in your world.


With love and gratitude, Dr. Elona ❤️

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