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Transforming The Experience of Dentistry Since 2000

End of Year Inspire Changes

End of Year Inspire Changes

Inspire Changes this Holiday Season!

This past weekend, the first annual Holiday High Tea for Survivors of Trafficking in San Diego was was a HUGE sucess!

This event was organized by Inspire Changes, Dr. Elona’s nonprofit to support smile rehabilitation of trafficking survivors.

It was an incredible blessing to ALL, especially to we who hosted it!!!

We can not share photos of the guests: their identities are to be kept confidential (the photo is of the hosts).

Thank you to all of our Inspire Smiles patient family who sponsored the event. We are deeply grateful!!!

For those who sponsored at the Platinum Level, please come by to pick up your gifts 🎁 and schedule your Zoom whitening and Botox w Dr. Curtis.

Please remember: 10% all elective services such as teeth whitening, Invisalign or veneers go to support the smile rehabilitation of a women in need.

If you have always wanted to improve your smile - NOW IS the time! For example, the cost for 10 upper veneers is generally over $20K. 10% of that is a HUGE gift towards a cause that truly changes lives!!!

2022 is not over yet! There is still time to make a difference!!! When you do, a tax deductible receipt will be provided!

In giving WE receive!!!

Measure your success not by how much you receive and make, but rather by how much you give! It makes ALL the DIFFERENCE!!! We can buy houses, cars, clothes etc. which, in the end, don’t bring fulfillment and lasting satisfaction in life. If it did, then all people with tangible abundance would be very happy. Yet as we commonly observe, they are not.

Making a difference for someone IS what creates lasting joy, an incredible sense of purpose, and a life worth living!!!

This holiday season:

GO to those in need and ASK how you can BE a blessing and then actually take action and DO something that makes a difference! Bring the Spirit of Christmas into the real world experience of those around you!

If you don’t know where to start, be a part of what we are up to: make a donation to Inspire Changes. The world is being changed one smile at a time!

Love ❤️ Dr. E

For donations to Inspire Changes click the button or follow the link below ⬇️ ⬇️👇🏻 ⬇️⬇️:

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