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MLK day

MLK day

Lets make dreams come true

Today is Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday. It’s a day to celebrate what we have been able to accomplish as a nation in making justice, equality and respect available to all. As we celebrate, let us also get present to the fact that we still have slavery, yes slavery, happening in our country, even in San Diego, right now.

Did you know that human trafficking is a form of modern day slavery?

Currently, according to FBI statistics, in San Diego county alone there are estimated to be between 3.5000 to 8,000 women being trafficked annually!  This jarring number seems unbelievable; yet it is real and it is happening right in our community.  After suffering abuse these women are often missing front teeth and worse. As a result they cannot find work due to their appearance, eat properly, build new relationships, nor forget what happened when they look in the mirror.  The situation is outrageous and demands action.

Therefore I have made a commitment to lessen the impact of human trafficking upon women in San Diego. Just like Martin Luther King Jr - “I have a dream!”   Here’s how it happens:

10% of all elective services at Inspire Smiles go directly into Inspire Changes which is a nonprofit organization I created to generate the resources needed to restore smiles of trafficking survivors, or women whose mouths have been damaged in conjunction with domestic abuse and sexual violence.  

I express my deepest gratitude to each of you for choosing to be a patient at Inspire Smiles. You are making a difference for these women just by showing up to your dental appointment!

Have you considered improving your smile with teeth whitening, veneers, Invisalign or any other service that makes your smile better? Perfect! I specialize in aesthetic dentsitry so you are in great hands! Furthermore, in doing so you also improve the smile of someone who would never be able to do so, and make an enormous impact upon their life.

Schedule your FREE aesthetic consultation with me, Dr. Elona and take the next step.

As a broader invitation, I invite you to “Have a Dream!” We can all do something that makes a difference.  That is, we can cause a change in how things turn out that is different than what was going to happen by default, without our intervention.  I invite you to choose an area of life about which you feel passionately, and take definite steps toward making a difference in that area.

Finally, we at Inspire Smiles are committed to createing a world that works for everyone. A great book which talks about how we can all help create that world is called "The Third Option" and was featured in one of our past book clubs (see photo above). I hope you choose to read it!

We look forward to seeing you and making a difference together.

With love and gratitude,

Dr.Elona ❤️

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