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Transforming The Experience of Dentistry Since 2000

Over the last three days

Over the last three days

Happy Sunday!

Over the last three days my youngest daughter, Maria, I and our amazing dental assistant, Teresa were in San Antonio, TX at the Love Life Women’s Conference.

It was a life changing, powerful experience: 16.5 thousand women all in one place at the Alamodome, connected and united - a true sisterhood!

What struck me most as I looked around is how wonderfully different we all are on the surface: from different parts of the country and even the world, different cultural back grounds, different styles, different ages, different ways of communicating.  

Yet there was an unprecedented sense of oneness, love and connection. What created that sense? We were there for the same purpose. We were there for the next generation.

With the youth mental health crisis at it’s highest level ever, an almost ubiquitous sense of lostness, a pervasive lack of purpose, and a very dimmed sense of hope, we were there to shine a light on the way forward and create the path.

That way is to unite, support and uplift each other, so that in turn we can then offer that to others. For the future generations to have hope, WE must have hope.  For the future generations to have strength WE must be strong.  For the future generations to live with power and purpose, WE must be powerful and purposeful. It all ALWAYS starts with US! If not us, then who? We must be the examples, the inspiration, the mentors.

The only way to change the world is to change ourselves first.   Once we are changed, we can look at our circumstance differently. The circumstances may or may not change, but if we change and show up differently in them, there is a possibility of something new that was not available before. Changing ourselves is the necessary first step in making a difference.

The only way to GET through is to GO through! The only way to the Promise Land is through the desert.

Empathy is a conduit through which power is released. To develop empathy WE must go through some hard times. Hard times allow for an opportunity to develop character and empathy for others.

That is how we can come together: acknowledge that we are not the only ones going through challenges.  All people do: it is a universal part of being human.  What makes life fulfilling is taking what has been our greatest pain and turning it into our purpose and passion in life, accepting others and giving them mercy and grace and coming together on what unties us.

I am committed to health, fitness and wellbeing for myself and for the community. We are all at different places in each of these areas of life - yet all are so important:  Most would agree that without basic health, not much else matters.  Fitness (or “the optimal functioning of our bodies”) is necessary to do things we want to do. Finally, wellbeing as a general sense of vitality or “aliveness.”  

As I participated in the conference, I made an even greater commitment to support women in San Diego.  If I am known for anything in our community, I want it to be love first and foremost.

We are going to be hosting fun community events to come together in order to support one another; and to raise resources to help those who truly have no hope and need others to guide them through their “desert”.

We will be featuring local businesses and leaders in the fitness and wellbeing industry, hosting community events and providing opportunities to help restore smiles of trafficking survivors in San Diego through our non profit, Inspire Changes.

Love Life 2024 Women’s Conference is in Tampa, FL. Join us next year!

In the mean time you can contribute by making a tax deductible donation to Inspire Changes through the link below or by texting me at (858) 925-3142 for a call to have your business featured or help us host a community event.

With love and gratitude,

Dr. Elona💗

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